Sunday, August 19, 2007

The Twins


goatman said...

This is straining my dial up connection! Why not just post some pictures.
Sorry, Just a suggestion.

Mrs. Geezerette said...

Goatman, this is an experiment. I am testing my blog to see how it behaves when I include a photoshow.

The photoshows are tough on dial-ups, I know. High speed connections can handle them okay though. But I love the fact that I can add music and extras with the photoshow. I am rather excited about the whole idea.

When I get my story finished about the twins (my grandfather and his twin brother), I will go ahead and post the pictures themselves too at my usual blog.

How did you know that I had posted something here at this blog?

goatman said...

Just looking around and saw this current post.
I am with you on the music. I would like to do that as effectively as a fellow blogger ("jac" I think his moniker was) from Nigeria. He has beautiful music, mostly western, come through effortlessly even on my slow connection. I must ask how he does it but I don't think it involves a slide show to work.
Although not a complete luddite, I am averse to change as regards the old dial up connection and other changes in my life. If it works, I am happy with it. Why change? is my motto. I still have a couple of hundred music cassettes which I still play in my '89 caprice; and alot of vinyl records which I still play on the turntable. Go figure in this age of everything new
"now" .